The Future of SMS: How to Leverage Text Messaging for Maximum Impact

Text messaging, or SMS, has been around for decades and has now become an integral part of our daily communication. 

However, as the use of other communication channels like instant messaging and social media continues to grow, many have questioned the future of SMS. Despite this, SMS remains a powerful and effective tool for businesses and organisations looking to reach their audience. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the future of SMS and how to leverage text messaging for maximum impact.

The Value of SMS Marketing

First thing’s first – let’s take a look at why SMS is still relevant. According to a recent study, 98% of text messages are read within three minutes of being received. This is a significantly higher rate than email, which has an open rate of around 20%. Additionally, text messages have a 98% open rate, compared to 22% for email. This means that text messages are more likely to be read and acted upon.

Another advantage of SMS is its ubiquity. Nearly everyone has a mobile phone and can receive text messages, regardless of their location or device. This makes SMS an ideal tool for reaching a broad audience, such as customers or employees. 

It’s also worth noting that SMS isn’t subject to the same spam filters as email, which means that messages are more likely to be delivered and read.

Leveraging SMS for Maximum Impact


So, how can businesses and organisations leverage SMS for maximum impact? Here are a few tips:

Personalising Messages

Personalise your messages. Just like with email marketing, personalising your text messages can help increase engagement and conversion rates. This can include using the recipient’s name or including relevant information, such as their purchase history.

Customer Service

Text messaging can be a quick and efficient way to resolve customer issues. This can include providing support, answering questions, or providing status updates on orders.

Marketing Campaigns

SMS can be used for a variety of marketing campaigns, such as promotions, discounts, and announcements. This can be especially effective for time-sensitive campaigns, such as flash sales or limited-time offers.

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security measure that requires a user to provide two forms of identification before accessing an account. SMS can be used as one of the forms of identification, providing an additional layer of security.

Appointment Reminders

SMS can be used to send appointment reminders to patients or customers. This can help reduce no-shows and improve customer satisfaction.

SMS is clearly a powerful and effective tool for businesses and organisations looking to reach their audience. Its high open and read rates, as well as its ubiquity, make it an ideal tool for a variety of purposes, such as customer service, marketing campaigns, and appointment reminders. 

By personalising messages, using SMS for 2FA, and targeting campaigns to specific audiences, businesses can leverage SMS for maximum impact.

Step Into the Future With RunGopher


Considering you’re reading a blog from a Web3 and NFT marketing company, it’s pretty safe to say that you’re interested in trying out innovative ways to market your product or services.

Enter RunGopher!

For those of you who are tired of basic transactional SMS, RunGopher takes SMS marketing and automation to the next level. 

By using their platform, you can streamline your workflow and save time for other important business tasks. And, with personalised journeys, you can create a top-notch customer experience and form stronger connections with your audience. 

The end result? Increased engagement and revenue for your business. So, why not take your business to new heights with the help of RunGopher’s SMS marketing and automation? Reach out to them today!